Mechanical Drama

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Welcome to my site!

Everyone else has a web site these days, so I figured, why not join the army (The army of websites I mean, not the actual army. Got nothing against it but my dad's an army man. And I couldn't hack it..I'm such a little pansy ^-^')?

I'll mainly use this site to post lots of favorite pictures of my friends and family. I'll try to pick out the most flattering ones, but no guarantees!

I'm also going to use this web site to express myself. I'll have a page with my opinions on current events, and another page where I'll put reviews of the movies I see and books I read. I also include a page that has some of my own original writing or artwork. A/N: As you can tell that whole thing was prewritten..Damn lazy bastages take away my fun of writing! Just kidding, anyways. I'll just go fix up these things so they don't sound so prewritten. I mean...'express myself'?! To hell with that! This is my site so if I want to put up my failed attempts of creativity then I will! ^_^'

It said I will update this site frequently, yeah that's a load of bull. I'm the most procrastinating person known to mankind!!! Anyways, I'll update when I can, and if that's good enough then bug off, buggers.


What's New?

Here is extra space...I'll prolly add a picture here whence I get off my lazy arse and do something, but until then...SPACE IS GREAT!

10/25/04- I'm in photography right now, waiting until it's my turn to have my portrait picture taken and then take one of my partner..which I don't think I have one yet. Whoops. Anyways. Saturday was homecoming!! GO RAMSTEIN!!! We won all three games that day. Unfortunately us Sophmores lost the final powder puff football game on Friday..T_T' course it was against the seniors. *Sighs*. Anyways Today's Regina's birthday!! YAY! And Friday's my birthday..YAY!!! So send presents damn it...Just kidding ^_^

12/7/04-I know I take my sweet ass time updating this but what can I say? I never remember to update anything..*sigh* oh well. Anyways my birthday was pretty cool! Finally got that brownie cake (not that type of brownie poseur (ashley's word) stoners..), we stayed up and watched movies, and discussed topics which I will keep in my confidential files. *coughs* Anyways, I got a new radio! Praise the lord you don't have to hit this on the right side twice above the eject button to get the cd ejector to work! It was amazing..I'm still amazed by it actually. Hmm..Oh did I mention that on January 14th I'll be getting out of Germany?! Yeah, watch out Miami, here I come!! Ridiculous, I know, two (possibly three schools if something else happens) schools in one year. Well See ya on the flip'side since I'll tell you more about this where I'm suppose to, this is just here for me to BRIEFLY describe what's been going on..Oi, you'd think I'd learn to stop writing so damn much..-_-

1/7/05-Wow! Only took me a month to update this time! Yay for me! Okay, last day here in Germany is the 12th which is Wednesday, and I'll be in SanAntonio by the 13th (late evening since I'm arriving in Dallas and have to be driven home by Da). I'll start up again at MacArthur on the 18th and I will only be attending Mac until the last day before Spring Break then I go to the Josh Groban concert (hopefully I'll have a seat near Megas) and the day after that I leave for Miami. My mom and I will drive there, hehe two days of driving with three dogs...oh joy..this is going to be one of those supressed memories I can feel it. I'm currently working on three songs which will be come my demo, then I'll be working to get people to listen to it so maybe they can send out my demo to record companies and I hope to someday get a record deal. That's about it in the 'brief' news, see you all later!

>6/9/05- Wow..okay four mounths with out updating at all..buahaha I'm sure you all love me for that ^^ not that most of you noticed X_X. Well hmm darn a lot has happened, I fell in love, and have been going out with my boyfriend Two months (hit two months yesterday ^-^'). And yes..well moved to Florida..gosh I hate it here -_-. And maybe moving again next year...can you believe that?! If that happens that would make four highschools in the four years of highschool!! INSANITY!...Anyways, I love you Kyle! ^-^... 7/13/05- OMG I'M GOING TO WARPED TOUR! XD Kari asked me to pick her up a squirt gun from the Matchbox Romance Tent, and I shall. Whoo! ^^ I'm so excited. I really wish Ihad someone to go with but, I guess I'll just have to deal. My parents bought me the ticket but are totally spazzing about me being there alone. They're number one rule was 'don't wear a mini skirt' Which is Ironic since I just bought a new one today. Anyways....WARPED TOUR!!!! (Going Saturday August 6!) 8/20/05- Warped Tour Rocked! Read my live journal/xanga for the details, lazy asses. Same goes for the first day of school XD.

He keeps asking me to update this..Why, why, why?! XP my life is boring and uninteresting..

In other news, whooo I get to be in the car wash with my other 'girlfriends' for Drama Club! And I'll ask Ashley to help me pick out a bikini for that...and a large shirt to match it XD.

Okay, why is there so much drama in highschool. If any of ya'll have an answer for me. Please...Tell me lol.School's going good. I'm going to have a seperate page for that..'what's new in school', catchy ain't it?

Please be sure to get in touch and let me know what you think of my site.

You step into my world with out a second thought or with hesitation, but do you greet me the same?