Mood: quizzical
Now Playing: Memory- Sugar Cult
...All these things are pretty much stupid things to be upset about. But somehow they bother me.
I get so much of your time in general but then when I really need it or expect it, you're no where. And then I'm so used it I get down but then I really am just being selfish but I just want you to call me randomly stuff. Not for four hours but then you call me and say something like 'I'm with blah blah blah' and it just ruins the moment because I thought you were calling me because you wanted to spend time with me even if it was just for a few minutes. But that rarely makes me upset just makes me a little down but I'm usually better in like five minutes.
You said something about not waiting until you can marry me the other day on a myspace message. But I really don't feel like you want to marry me at all. I always feel like you want no one to know and that you asking me to marry me over a simple text was just soe joke. It's not a real engagement at all. EVeryone but my Dad knows over ehre, but it's like you don't want anyone to know about me. I feel very unappreciated and it's like you want to marry me and you can't wait, but you can wait like five freakin years. I guess I"m just too eager. Being too controlled isn't good, just like being too emotional like me isn't good. I guess I had stupid illusions of love and engagement.
I imagined you asking me in person with a real engagement ring, on one knee. I mean not an expensive ring, I thought it woulda been romantic to have a stupid lil toy ring for the proposal. And I guess I thought you would have been as eager and excited as me. But then again Hollywood makes people have distorted expectations like that. I'm very lucky you asked me at all, if you meant it. I guess I also saw you telling your parents...But...I really am being selfish. I feel horrible for even typing this. I'm sorry. I love you Kyle.