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My mechanical dramatical life
Mall place
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Wanted Dead or Alive-Bon Jovi
*Just glares as the stupid thing lost her whole LONG post*

Ranted by Haley at 4:53 PM EDT
Updated: 29/06/2006 1:43 AM EDT
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Count down till doom
Mood:  silly
Now Playing: Freak me out-Weezer

The voice in your head is back! Come on you know you love reading this. Okay well anyways now that I"m done with satisfying my ego...Can we say count down till doom?! I mean I know Elizabeth isn't coming until like 2:15am, and even then she won't actually get here until like 3am. But see that's the time I'm usually awake still, so I'm screwed if Mom starts spazzing, thinking Elizabeth and I are being all buddy-buddy. That really annoys me. I mean I know the whole thing with Elizabeth, but still, regardless of it all she's my sister and I get along with her. Like a sister! Not like she's my mother, *insert sighing and rolling of the eyes here*.

I don't know how long this entry will be, probably not very long -not including the other three friends to add to here today-. I'll probably update again though, as world war three will occur here in time soon enough. This is my only safe haven. Except for my mother cleaned it today. Okay so as she said maybe this was a hazardous material sight, but it was my hazardous material sight! I have things in places for certain reasons. Hell I just like having things where I put them, I don't like someone else messing with my turf. But unbeknownst to my mother, I have the key for all the doors in the hours. Well actually she knows, she just doesn't know where I've hidden it, and she didn't know there was such a thing until I told her. Of course I'm not crazy enough to tell her where it is. Oh well, at least I do have here to hide.

Wow, my Mom just got done talking to Hope and Hannah...I miss those girls. Yesterday my Dad talked to Faith, Billy couldn't talk. I wish we could see them.

Okay! The friends for today!

Neda-Oh wow where to begin, Wheels just cracks me up. She's got an attitude problem which makes her no different than the rest of us. She's really laidback and always there if you need a good laugh. She says what's on her mind, and that makes her pretty damn blunt. She's just over all the equivilant to awesome!

Cait-This girl is more like a sister to me. Even though I don't talk to her much at all these days. I was really hoping to see her this summer to catch up since unlike her, I keep more in contact with the friends from Texas I put up on here. She's like a spitfire, and there's seriously never a dull moment with her. Whether it's stealing skateboards infront of the owner's eyes (~.~), or whether it's just us acting all crazy at home. I love her, but then again I love all my friends, like they're my family -man I gotta, I don't have too many relatives-.

Jessica- OMG! MOVIE BUDDY! She's one of my best friends here in Florida, I don't know what I'd do without her, seriously. We're not only movie-going freaks, we're singing movie going freaks. Ahaha, jk Jessica's not that freaky, but I love her anyways! She's been here for me so much, I don't think I would have made it through the first year without her. She's not one for drama, but somehow, like me, she always finds herself somewhere near it if not in it. Oh well together we can just go scream at scary people in King Kong and forget about the stupidity of highschool.

~Update later!~

Ranted by Haley at 5:14 PM EDT
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What is with Parents anyhow?
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Baby Boom DVD (I know so 80s)

Okay, it's official. Teenagers, pre-teens, kids of all ages on Planet Earth and beyond, parents are isane. They are not only insane but have no method or reason to their madness. My sister, Elizabeth, is coming down tomorrow, well Monday but at 2:15 in the morning. Yes the sterotypical 'family screw-up'. I mean I get along with her in the sense we're sisters, ya know? But having her down here, especially when my Mom's leaving on July 10th, is like, oh I dn't know...RETARDED!

She better get on the bus this time, actually she should be boarding it now. It'll be nice to not be totally alone while my Dad's off at work. I thought Caitlin was going to come down but I guess not. I miss everyone so much and I keep trying to detatch myself from them. Talk to them less, find reasons why they aren't very good friends and why I'm not a very good friend for them.

I don't know, I just feel like I'm loosing everyone so I better just push them away. But hey guys I know that's totally retarded, maybe you all can help me. You know, give me a few good kicks to the head. But then again I don't know if any of you will read this...

Okay! So, to prepare for Elizabeth coming, I'm going to hide all my valuables and have a list of emergency exits incase of her and Dad or her and Mom having a blow out.

Hmm well I said I'd tell more about my friends well here I go.

Wifey-I have been closer to her than any other person ever. If people are offended by this, they need to talk to me and not go blabbering off. Doesn't mean I don't have other best friends, it just means that she took the time to get to know me as best she could. She's an amazing person, always there for people. I would tell more, but...this is my blog not hers, if she wishes to go tell everyone about herself more she can. I just feel it isn't my place.

~You know I would really love to know others of you better, be closer to you all and know you better than others and vice versa...I just feel, like I said, that there's no room for me with you all anymore.~

Megas-Of course another one of my best friends, I've known her since middle school. There's so much to say about her I don't even know where to start. She's understanding, caring, giving, and everything else that makes up a good person. She's so awesome, and I'm lucky to know her.

Amanda-I've known her the longest, but sometimes I feel like I know her the least. That's probably my fault though. I've acted like a big baby with her and certain events, but I know she's going to be one of those friends I have all my life. We're more like family though in a way. I hope I get to know her better. Right now she's out of town, but who knows, maybe when she comes back I'll have a talk with her.

~Thinking about it, I realized most of my best friends will be with my all my life, and that makes me one lucky kid.~

Well I'll continue with three more friends, tomorrow! Or later today if I really feel like blogging that much. After I'm done with my friends, I'll move on to Kyle, the hunk in my life ^_~ (lol).

Ranted by Haley at 5:37 PM EDT
Updated: 25/06/2006 3:31 AM EDT
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The higher plane in life?
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants DVD

Well everyone welcome to my new tripod blog, you should get one yourself they're really awesome!.....Yeah right, I just wanted to sound commercial. Now off of that I figured I might as well start out by saying, if you read this...great you are easily amused. If you don't well then I don't have to worry about saying anything to you because you're not even reading this.

So right now my summer has had it's few uptimes but for the most part I think I could sleep through it and not miss anything. So I'm off to change it! Somehow! I was really planning to go to Texas this month and see my friends, but no for now I'm stuck in Florida. I've moved around a lot, but basically all of you reading this know that already. This is my third high school, here but my last.

OH! I got the proofs back for my senior pictures, I actually like the pictures for once. *Insert dramatic music here* I picked out the one for the yearbook, I think I'm satisfied for once, with pictures anyways. Agh!! My freakin fire alarm went off again, let me tell you that thing can scare the piss out of me. It happened the first night we moved here about a year ago. Total spazzin' hell.

You know I look over all the best friends I have, and I realize how different they all really are. In my group, there's; me, the crazy, temperamental one wanting to be and do everything from scuba-diving and finding Atlantis, to traveling all over the world, and wanting to write novels and be a musician. Obviously there's only one word to describe me, phsychotic. Wait wait...guess what, the rest of them are phsychotic too. Some with the same aspirations as me but others that are completely opposite. I love them all. Next entry I'll tell you more about them. Right now I'm off to watch the rest of the movie and talk to my 'wifey' (this will be explained on the next entry also).

Ranted by Haley at 2:57 AM EDT
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