Mood: irritated
Now Playing: Punk Rock Princess-Something Corporate
All right, after sucessfully yelling at my mom, I have now calmed down. She wanted to cancel my lessons until she got back. HAH! NICE! How inconsiderate of my mom! (And that is quite unlike her honestly) I mean, I need to prepare for state, and she won't even be frickin back until AFTER SCHOOL STARTS! I'LL NEVER MAKE IT! ARGH! Wench!...Okay that last one slipped, but I'm so pissed right now.
And after I throw my amazing fit and throw my pen in her direction, she decides to tell Elizabeth that I'm LUCKY she doesn't beat the shit out of me. EXCUSE ME?! I DIDN'T ASK TO COME DOWN HERE! I NEVER ASKED EVERYON TO SCREW ME UP AND MAKE ME CRAZY, RAWR!!!
I was havin an fin good day too! Finished all my learner's permit crap, was gonna just put up more stuff in my room, talk to mom and Elizabeth. Looking up information for my major at the school I want to go to. Hah, let's see me get a music major without violin lessons. I don't NEED them in general, but I do need them if I want to be more advanced. It's driving me crazy. How dare she say I don't apply myself and I know I don't practice. But I was waitin for her ass to LEAVE so then I could practice when she's gone. When mom's not around, I feel like practicing more, well actually I don't know. I just tend to do so, maybe just to secretly piss her off.
I DO HAVE MY BAGS PACKED, if she lays one hand on me, I WILL take the debit card, buy myself a greyhound ticket (pay them back though of course X.x I'm not a thief, just a bitchy brat), and I will get out of here. I am tired of people telling me to just grin and bear it. NO, I will not let someone hit me again. Never again will I allow myself to be cornered like a helpless idiot.
I have to talk to my Mom, I don't care if I don't have a way of getting to my lessons, I can take the bus. I'm not retarded! If she doesn't listen to me...fine...I guess there goes my major in music. It's not so much the lessons, it's the fact that they have torn up enough of my life, but I will not let them tear up my dreams. I'm outta here before I go throw something else like a whiney baby.
Ranted by Haley
at 1:25 PM EDT